Monday, December 29, 2008

Opt-in Tips and Tricks

Here are some optin tips that I’ve found to increase the open and clickthrough rates.

Keep it short – People read emails very quickly, an optin is not meant to tell the whole story, it’s just supposed to direct people to do something.

Links – make as many things linked as possible.  No brainer right? The more links the more chances of someone clicking.  I especially recommend linking all images, this will give you those extra few accidental clicks over to your site.

Subject Line – make it catchy.  If you think about it, what emails do you typically open.  I know I open the ones that

Layout – Be sure to have the important content at the top of the email.  You want to make sure users can get the information without having to scroll.

Call to Action – most importantly; you need a large call to action.  Because optins are online, a call to action like “Click Here”, or even “Fill Out this Form” are quick and easy for audiences.  I don’t recommend making people email in, or pick up the phone to call.  These kinds of things are also much harder to track than clicks or forms filled out.

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